Minnesota Education Job Fair
Sponsored by the Minnesota Education Job Fair Association
Table #:
Floor Plan
Florence Unified School District
District Page:
Career Page:
District/Organization Description:
At Florence Unified School District #1, our students are given the tools to be competitive. We integrate technology into the education our students receive from the day they set foot on campus. Kindergartners are using tablets to go on virtual tours of museums from around the world while 3rd-8th graders use laptops in class to discover the anatomy of exotic animals and solve linear equations. Both of our high schools integrate technology on a 1:1 basis and the International Baccalaureate Program at Florence High School and the S.T.E.M. Academy at Poston Butte will allow your child to earn college credit while in high school. All of our schools will make your child feel special and instill within them the leadership qualities that will carry them through adulthood. Florence Unified is winning in Academics, the Arts, and Athletics. Come be a part of the FUSD family where we offer BIG results with a small-town feel.
District/Organization hiring and interviewing instructions and processes for candidates:
Florence USD wants to get to know you first! Most are coming into the education field for their first time and we want to ensure you are given all the information on how FUSD can and will support you.
After a screening we will find the best site and leadership for you to work under and schedule an interview with that principal. All candidates are encouraged to apply at https://www.applitrack.com/florenceusd/onlineapp/