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view candidate resumes

Prescheduled Interviews

To pre-schedule interviews for the fair, districts/organizations can view candidate resumes and download candidate's information. Candidates are encouraged to create a profile and upload their resume. Districts/organizations are encouraged to reach out to candidates directly to pre-schedule interviews during the fair. 

Candidates will be added as they upload their resumes and profiles. Most students will upload their resume closer to the fair in April.


Only organizations that have registered for the fair and have paid can access this feature. The password to access these pages can be found in the confirmation email you receive under the "View Candidate Resumes" section.

Once a payment has been received and your registration has been approved, the password to access the resume database can be found in the confirmation email you receive. If you need another confirmation email sent, email


If you've already registered for the fair, but haven't submitted a payment, you can make a payment online now or view the payment instructions online. Once a payment has been received, you will be sent the password to access the resume database.

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