Minnesota Education Job Fair
Sponsored by the Minnesota Education Job Fair Association
Table #:
Floor Plan
South Washington County Schools
District Page:
Career Page:

District/Organization Description:
South Washington County Schools (SoWashCo Schools) is a suburban district located southeast of St. Paul. The district includes all or parts of the communities of Cottage Grove, Newport, St. Paul Park, Woodbury, and Afton, Denmark and Grey Cloud Island Townships, an area of 84 square miles. The population of the district is approximately 98,100 people, including the more than 18,400 students who attend district schools.
Our wordmark, SoWashCo Schools, shows the colors from our 24 schools coming together in unity to form the name in the way our cities and townships collectively form the foundation for our district.
Our branding is designed to empower students, staff and community members. We continue to commit ourselves to offer a top-notch education that creates a welcoming place for students and a rewarding place for our staff members and educators.
District/Organization hiring and interviewing instructions and processes for candidates:
Please visit us at our table.