Minnesota Education Job Fair
Sponsored by the Minnesota Education Job Fair Association
Table #:
Floor Plan
Prodeo Academy
District Page:
Career Page:

District/Organization Description:
Our Mission
Prodeo Academy is a college preparatory school that is developing critical thinkers and reflective leaders, strengthening their character, and expanding their opportunities to contribute positively and productively to society.
Our Vision
Our vision is to create an innovative network of schools known nationally for best practices around student achievement and character development, fostering impactful educators, closing the opportunity gap, and building stronger communities.
Our Core Values
Perseverance. Respect. Integrity. Development. Engagement.
These five values inform and inspire everything we do at Prodeo Academy. In Latin, Prodeo means "to advance" or "go forward," and at Prodeo Academy, we believe in the growth of the whole person. It is essential to prepare our students for success in school and their personal and future professional life.
Statement on Race Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
We come together to welcome, respect, collaborate, listen, and learn with each other. When we affirm the identities, background, experiences, and beliefs of classmates, families, and colleagues different from ourselves, we advance knowledge, empathy, and justice. As an inclusive community, we work to prepare children to be critical thinkers and reflective leaders.
District/Organization hiring and interviewing instructions and processes for candidates:
Please apply at our website: www.prodeoacademy.org. Once a candidate has applied, our hiring process includes a first round phone interview, followed by a final interview in-person with our school leadership team.