Minnesota Education Job Fair
Sponsored by the Minnesota Education Job Fair Association
Table #:
Floor Plan
District Page:
Career Page:

District/Organization Description:
Welcome to Independent School District 728 (ISD 728), the eighth largest school district in Minnesota. We are a progressive district located 35 miles northwest of Minneapolis. We proudly serve more than 13,000 neighborhood students and more than 50,000 total lifelong learners in all or parts of Albertville, Dayton, Elk River, Otsego, Ramsey, Rogers, St. Michael, Zimmerman and Nowthen, as well as the townships of Big Lake, Baldwin, Livonia, Orrock and Stanford.
Our mission is to educate, inspire and empower our diverse learners, to shape their futures, to accomplish their dreams and to contribute positively to our local and global communities.
We believe that:
All people have value.
Valuing and respecting differences strengthens the individual and the community.
People thrive when they feel connected, supported and affirmed.
Everyone can learn.
Hope inspires and empowers.
Lifelong learning is essential for personal growth.
Change is an opportunity for growth.
District/Organization hiring and interviewing instructions and processes for candidates:
Welcome to ISD 728!
To establish a complete pre-employment file, please complete the online application.
Apply Online:
Create a Log in at https://www.generalasp.com/elkrivermn/onlineapp/default.aspx
Create an application (you only need to create an application once).
Log in each time you wish to apply for a new position.